Frequently Asked Questions


What makes PCF different?

Project Childcare Foundation’s mandate emphasizes support for grassroots, community-based projects. We are currently exclusively funding projects started by local community members from the ground up.

Amongst larger top-down organizations, funding is often either aid or development based. PCF firmly believes that in order for development activities to be successful, a minimum standard of basic needs (such as food, shelter and security) must always be met. Thus, while the Foundation has set a specific selection criteria for sustainability and capacity-building elements of each project, we take a holistic approach to ensure that the basic needs of the individual and the community are met.

Finally, through prior project management experience, we have learned that the specific skills which make an effective “on-the-ground” program facilitator are not necessarily the same as those required to manage reporting / audit functions. For this reason, PCF believes that we share the responsibility of ensuring accurate and comprehensive reporting practices that provide both fiscal accountability and responsibility for the most effective delivery of prescribed services, in reference to and in compliance with our project funding agreements. With this objective in mind, we also offer our organizational and administrative assistance, expertise, and capacity to each project we support. These innovative and attentive donorship practices ensure added accountability to our donors, the local projects we support, and the communities they aim to serve.

How are PCF projects selected?

Our project selection encompasses a variety of criteria that can be broadly divided into two categories: (i) addressing local needs, and (ii) sustainability and accountability. A vital component of our criteria relating to sustainability is that we maintain very close contacts and open relationships with the local community and grassroots projects supported.

Currently, PCF has chosen the HIV/AIDS pandameic in Sub-Saharan Africa as its issue of focus. We believe that HIV/AIDS is one of the most immediate threats to the health and wellbeing of children. 13 million children in Sub-Saharan Africa have lost mothers and fathers to this disease, with another 10 million projected to be orphaned by 2015.

Project ChildCare Foundation is proud to support grassroots projects in Sub-Saharan Africa that assist in providing services to those people most vulnerable to HIV by the extreme poverty in which they live.

Does PCF sell or share donor info?

In no way will Project ChildCare Foundation sell, trade, rent or share any donor information to other organizations whether they are commercial or non-profit. The privacy and confidentiality of our donors is important to us and thus donor information will be respected and protected.


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